Switch window in capybara webkit

I was just trying to get an automated test for Amazon Payment checkouts to put in place, however I failed in the end because Amazon is protecting (for a good reason) automated checkouts. I even failed when entering the captcha in the test run to record it once using VCR.

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Umma Hüsla - Vorarlberg's 1. öffentlicher Hackathon

Als ich vor 4 Jahren von Vancouver nach Vorarlberg zurück kam, war die Umstellung natürlich groß. Vancouver ist nach dem Silicon Valley sicher einer der HotSpots der nordamerikanischen Startup Szene, jeden Tag gibt es Meetups zu den verschiedensten Themen, moderne Technologien wie Ruby on Rails, Node.js oder Docker werden nicht nur kurz ausprobiert sondern gleich produktiv verwendet. Schon 2008 habe ich, bei dem Startup bei dem ich beschäftigt war, eine hochskalierbare Webapplikation in der Amazon Cloud entwickelt.

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Why I like Coffeescript

Currently I am writing more and more CoffeeScript. First I was not too impressed by it, due to the fact that it brings not much more to the table than syntactical sugar for JavaScript. I had a few discussions weather or not TypeScript is better, mainly because it already uses ECMAScript 6 functionality and extends on it. However, now after some more time coding CoffeeScript I really start to like it, because the main advantage is readability, and coming from Ruby, readability is what makes your code beautiful, understandable and maintainable (besides having a decent test suite).

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Howto: Using Crate Data with Rails

If you don’t know Crate yet, Crate is a document-oriented cluster data store that is easily scalable and comes with blob support. You simply start one or more instances and they automatically connect to each other and distribute your data to the different nodes. If you worked with replication and sharding before you will love the simplicity of it. Crate is open source so just try it out.

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